Corona virus’ hidden agenda!

My typical excuse, for not thoroughly ‘spring cleaning’ every cabinet,corner and closet: ” TIME”; more honestly, time management.  Even though I am partially retired – things still get ahead of me. However, ‘shelter at home’ is modifying my frenzied ‘all or none” approach.  Now if you show up today, (please don’t) , I will still rush to close some doors while you are getting out of the car…. but it’s getting better.
The hubby on the other hand, is maintaining his soap making schedule and preparing for new honeybees due this week.  His approach to keeping on track mirrors that of the honeybee.  He has a job and he does it.  His job is to make soap.  He works daily making soap. He makes a lot of soap, and many different kinds of soap.
Honeybees are excellent housekeepers – because they never stop. “Busy as a Bee” is a true statement.    They don’t close the door and try to forget it (like my closet).
Every bee has a specific job. Certain bees take out the trash, (including dead bees). If you watch, you can see it happening. Other bees get water, other bees collect nectar or pollen….. etc,  you get the picture.
An, intrinsically healthy hive is the result of every individual bee doing their job. The Queen Bee gets all the press (and her job is vital); but EVERY BEE is important and EVERY BEES’ contribution is absolutely necessary.

Each one of us has an essential role in our home, family and community.  The members of ‘our hive’ depend on us.

Stay safe, stay healthy and do your part to keep your ‘hive’ thriving.