Honey and Beeswax are just the beginning.
Bee Sweet soaps and body care products were born from the natural health benefits of honey and beeswax. We all know honey is delicious and beeswax has a myriad of uses. Honey and beeswax also have many natural, healthful, topical applications.
Thus begins the Bee Sweet journey into natural body-care products. At Bee Sweet, the concept of utilizing the beneficial properties in honey and beeswax to create quality natural products is our cornerstone.
About Us
Bee Sweet Honey and Crafts, LLC dba Bee Sweet Naturals is located in beautiful Western North Carolina. For 20+ years, this small ‘mom & pop’ operation has been designing and producing natural body-care products.
Our customers look to us for great quality and incredible service. We try to deliver on these expectations every time.
Our years experience; as a seasoned beekeeper and an esthetician/professional skin care instructor guide our designs. Each body care product formulation is anchored in the beneficial properties of our raw honey and beeswax.
Bee Sweet products are not manufactured by some “faceless” mega-company in a far away land. Each item in our line is hand crafted at our facility in Old Fort, NC .
We grow and produce the raw elements (honey, herb, botanicals…..) that go into our products, as much as possible. The materials we can not produce are purchased from select, reputable vendors of natural ingredients.
Prepare to be captivated by our original fragrance blends and amazing products.
Buzz on in…you’re gonna love us!